Fostering Resilience in Trauma-Impacted Youth and Families: The Attachment, Self-Regulation, Competency (ARC) Treatment Framework Registration

  1. Fostering Resilience in Trauma-Impacted Youth and Families: The Attachment, Self-Regulation, Competency (ARC) Treatment Framework Registration


11 SW CEUs (Pending Board Approval) (Also Accepted by NM Counseling Board)
The Attachment, Regulation, and Competency (ARC) framework is a core-components treatment model, developed to provide a guiding framework for thoughtful clinical intervention with complexly traumatized youth and their caregiving systems. Drawing from the fields of trauma, attachment, and child development, the framework recognizes the importance of working with the child-in-context, of acknowledging the role of historical experiences and adaptive responses in current presentation, and of intervening with the surrounding environment – whether primary caregivers or treatment system – to support and facilitate the child’s healthy growth and development. Rather than identify step-by-step intervention strategies, the framework identifies 8 key “building blocks”, or intervention targets, key skills/goals within each domain, developmental and cultural considerations, and potential applications across settings.

Trainer: Dr. Kelly Moore

Kelly N. Moore, Psy.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist in New Jersey & Pennsylvania with a clinical specialty in the treatment of anxiety, trauma, and perinatal disorders in youth and adults. Dr. Moore specializes in Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE) for PTSD, Exposure and Response Prevention (EX/RP) for OCD, and Trauma-Focused CBT for children with a sexual abuse history. Dr. Moore also has expertise in cognitive-behavioral treatment for social anxiety, panic disorder, specific phobias, generalized anxiety, and postpartum onset disorders using a culturally responsive approach. She is also a national trainer in the Attachment, Regulation, and Competency (ARC) framework for treating complex trauma in young children and their caregivers

Community Behavioral Health Providers and Supervisors who work with children and families, clinical and non-clinical staff welcome! CYFD Protective Services and Juvenile Justice Staff also encouraged to attend.

The Training is Now Closed