Trainers: Rose Nava, LMSW, MPH

3.75 Cultural Social Work CEUs Pending Approval (Also Accepted by NM Counseling Board)

In this 4-hour introductory workshop, participants will learn why culturally, and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS) are needed, what the CLAS standards are, common barriers, and implementation strategies within complex systems.  The National CLAS Standards describe a framework to deliver services that are culturally and linguistically appropriate and respectful, and that respond to individuals’ cultural health beliefs, preferences and communication needs. This training is an introduction to the National CLAS Standards and how to adopt them in our agencies serving youth and families.

This training is for Behavioral Health Providers, CYFD Staff, Other Stakeholders Who Work with Children, Youth, and Families in New Mexico, any individuals outside of the audience intended will be placed on a waitlist and will be sent an invite if space becomes available.