Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

  1. New Mexico Evidence Based Practices
  2. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)? 

DBT is a comprehensive treatment for people who experience intense emotion dysregulation that is interfering with their daily lives, relationships and personal goals. The treatment is based on cognitive behavior therapy and includes learning how thoughts affect emotions and behavior, how to balance acceptance through mindfulness and validation with change through behavioral strategies, and developing emotion regulation skills.

DBT is typically delivered through a minimum of a six month program including 1) weekly individual therapy, 2) weekly DBT skills training groups, 3) in-the-moment coaching through phone or text, and 4) DBT consultation teams for therapists.

The DBT Skills taught include 1) mindfulness, 2) distress tolerance, 3) interpersonal effectiveness and 4) emotion regulation. For adolescents, the DBT skills training includes the teen and family members.

Population Served

DBT is for adolescents and adults who have difficulties with managing intense emotions and related mental health conditions including:

  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Self-harm
  • Suicidal behavior
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Substance use disorders
  • Eating disorders, specifically binge eating disorder and bulimia
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

The model was developed for outpatient therapy but has been adapted to other service settings.

For more information:

DBT Linehan Board of Certification 

The NM EBP Qualifications for the DBT specific rate are:

  1. Demonstration that provider-based team is offering full DBT with all required components.
  2. Demonstrated certification from DBT-Linehan Board of Certification for licensed practitioners.

If you meet these standards, complete the application above and provide all requested information and supporting documentation. Applications will be reviewed, and qualifications will be verified by the Center of Innovation team, in consultation with EBP experts. Recommendations for approval of a provider’s EBP qualifications for the EBP specific rate will be made to the State.

DBT Training and Consultation

If you have received some training in DBT but do not currently meet the DBT qualification standards, or if you have interest in trainings in DBT, please complete the DBT Interest Form. The information you provide will be used to guide NMSU Center of Innovation’s future trainings to support providers in achieving the DBT qualifications required for the DBT specific rate.

EBP Provider Suggestion Form

Are you able to recommend specific provider agencies interested in or practicing DBT or other Evidence-Based Practices or would like to share other outreach opportunities EBP providers can be recruited from? If so, complete the EBP Provider Suggestion Form 


Visit the Kase & CO for more information about EMDR trainers. 

Visit the Treatment Implementation Collaborative for more information about the DBT trainers. 

Upcoming EBP Trainings