Wraparound Follow Up II: Engagement, Teaming and Conflict Resolution

  1. Training Catalog
  2. System of Care Workforce Training & Certification Programs
  3. Wraparound Follow Up II: Engagement, Teaming and Conflict Resolution


Engagement is the foundation of the High-Fidelity Wraparound process. Ultimately Wraparound will not be successful without meaningful engagement. In this training, a Wraparound Facilitator will learn key skills to enhance the practice of engagement, drawing strongly on models such as the Nurtured Heart Approach and Motivational Interviewing. Facilitator will learn to identify the signs of strong or weak engagement, and creative strategies for when engagement is faltering. Participants will also learn about teaming and the process of moving from teams that rely on formal supports to teams that are primarily composed of natural and informal supports. Participants will explore how to manage conflict in the context of the High-Fidelity Wraparound approach and how to use conflict creatively to build an effective Action Plan.

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6 Social Work CEU | 7 Length

CYFD-Behavioral Health Services and NM Wraparound Endorsed Coaches
