Youth Peer Support Trainings & Coaching

  1. Youth Peer Support
  2. Youth Peer Support Trainings & Coaching


Youth Peer Support 101

This 90 minute training provides a general overview of Youth Peer Support as a service and the importance of peer support tailored specifically to youth. The role of a Youth Peer Support Specialist (YPSS) within an agency and best practices for incorporating a YPSSs into the agency as a whole will also be discussed.

Youth Peer Support Certification Training

This 40-hour training is required for certification as a Youth Peer Support Specialist and covers important topics such as professionalism, ethics, diversity, personal wellness, adolescent development, and mental health. Youth who participate will gain experience in how to use their own lived experience as a guide for others while maintaining personal boundaries and encouraging self-sufficiency and independence.

Youth Peer Support Supervisor Training

Over a period of 9 hours, this training drills down to the heart of what Youth Peer Support is and what it is not. The training also covers how YPSS Supervisors can create a safe and supportive environment where Specialists can effectively utilize their expertise and develop professionally.


Youth Peer Support Specialist Coaching Call

Join our monthly coaching call as we offer opportunities to practice peer support skills, discuss successes and challenges, and answer questions related to peer work and resources. 

Youth Peer Support Supervisor Coaching Call

Join our monthly coaching call as we offer opportunities to practice supervisory skills, discuss your successes and challenges in your role as a supervisor of Youth Peer Support Specialists, and answer any related questions.